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ONE (with everything!).

Sustainable. Nutritious. Delicious.

Hermetia illicens - Black Soldier Fly Larvae


The world of pet nutrition is constantly evolving, with innovative solutions often emerging from unexpected sources. One such innovation is the use of insect protein in pet food, specifically from the Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL). Such an approach provides an eco-friendly alternative protein source for our pets. Black Soldier Fly Larvae is an AAFCO approved ingredient for pet foods.


Using insects as a protein source offers multiple benefits, both nutritionally and environmentally. While many traditional pet treats source their protein from mammalian meat or fish, insect-based protein truly stands out for its sustainability. Insects, particularly the BSFL, have been recognized for their efficient conversion of feed, leading to reduced carbon emissions, minimal water consumption, and a compact ecological footprint.


Insect-based dog treats like ONE offer a sustainable and nutritious alternative to traditional meat-based treats. ONE offers a great tasting, nutritious treat with no artificial flavours or preservatives, providing a responsible choice for environmentally conscious pet owners. ONE is simple, wholesome goodness!


About insect protein


Insect-derived protein is an emerging alternative to traditional dog food ingredients like chicken and fish. Black soldier fly larvae contain 25.6% protein and 35.5% lipids as determined by a proximate analysis. [1] Notably, the protein content in BSFL is comparable to chicken and fish, both of which are commonly used in pet diets. Research also shows that insect protein is higher in essential amino acids than chicken meal. Furthermore, insect protein has similar digestibility to traditional protein sources like chicken, [2] and has been indicated to have greater protein digestibility compared to venison. [3]


A particularly interesting aspect of insect protein and their hydrolysates is the presence of short-chain peptides, which have demonstrated antioxidant capabilities. Research has indicated that insect protein exhibits notable antioxidant activities, outperforming chicken and fish, which in comparison showed tendencies towards pro-oxidant behaviour in some models. [4]


Black Soldier Fly Larvae: A Novel Protein Option

Protein allergies in pets, especially dogs, often manifest as skin irritations, digestive disturbances, or other allergic reactions, typically resulting from proteins they have been exposed to for prolonged periods. Common culprits include beef, chicken, lamb, and fish. Introducing novel protein sources - proteins that the pet hasn't been previously exposed to - can be an effective strategy in managing these allergies.


BSFL emerges as a promising novel protein option. Here's why:


  • Limited Previous Exposure:
    As a relatively new ingredient in pet food, most pets have had limited or no prior exposure to BSFL, reducing the likelihood of pre-existing sensitivities.

  • High Nutritional Value:
    Despite being a novel protein, BSFL doesn't compromise on nutritional value. It offers a comprehensive amino acid profile, ensuring pets receive the requisite protein components for health and well-being.

  • Easily Digestible:
    BSFL has excellent digestibility, making it gentle on the digestive systems of pets, further reducing potential allergic or intolerant reactions.

  • Variety:
    Since the most common protein allergens in pets include beef and chicken, BSFL presents an effective alternative, offering variety and reducing the monotony of hypoallergenic diets.


However, while BSFL holds potential, it's essential to transition pets gradually and monitor them closely when introducing any new protein source. Some pets may still exhibit allergies or intolerances to novel proteins, albeit at typically lower rates.

Food Waste & Landfill


The BSFL used in the ONE treats are fed with food waste from the human food chain. This food waste consists of leftovers, off-cuts, and rejected food items that, though destined for landfills, remain nutritionally viable for insects.


In Australia, it's estimated that around 7 million tonnes of food is wasted annually. When food waste is disposed of in landfills, it begins to decompose anaerobically. This anaerobic decomposition process results in the production of methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Methane is particularly concerning because it is over 25 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide over a 100-year period. [5] As a result, the methane emissions from food waste in landfills significantly contribute to global warming and climate change. By reducing food waste and diverting it from landfills, we can decrease the production of methane and its associated negative impacts on the environment.


By repurposing this potential waste, insect-based proteins are considered carbon negative. Insect protein not only helps combat the global issue of food wastage, but also positively impacts the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


BSFL cannot transmit pathogens when used in feed, despite feeding on waste, spoiled feed, and manure. [6]

Water Footprint

Insect protein has been gaining traction in both human and animal diets due to its array of environmental advantages, one of which is the reduced water consumption when compared to traditional livestock protein.


The primary reason for the lower water usage in insect farming is the inherent biological efficiency of insects. Insects, like BSFL, have a high feed conversion rate. This means they require less food to produce a given amount of protein compared to traditional livestock. Since producing feed for livestock is a major source of water consumption, requiring less of it means significant water savings. [7]


Additionally, insects are ectothermic, meaning they don't expend energy to maintain body temperature. Traditional livestock, being endothermic, use a significant portion of their ingested food to maintain body temperature. Consequently, more food (and the water used to produce that food) is needed for livestock to yield the same amount of protein as insects.


Furthermore, the actual living conditions and farming techniques for insects are less water intensive. Insects are farmed in dense populations and do not require vast stretches of land irrigated or watered. In contrast, traditional livestock farming often involves water-intensive practices such as maintaining pastures and providing drinking water for the animals.


The water footprint of various protein sources varies significantly based on the environmental, agricultural, and regional practices in place. Comparing the water usage of different protein sources can provide insights into the sustainability of each.


Black Soldier Fly Larvae (BSFL): The water footprint of producing 1kg of BSFL is relatively low. Precise figures can vary based on farming practices, but it's generally understood that insect farming is far more water-efficient than traditional livestock farming. For BSFL, estimates suggest that producing 1kg requires approximately 8 litres of water. [8]


Beef: Beef production is known to have one of the highest water footprints among traditional livestock. The water required to produce 1kg of beef can range from 15,000 to 20,000 litres, considering the water consumed by the cattle and the water used to cultivate their feed. [9]


Lamb: Lamb production is also water-intensive, although not as high as beef. To produce 1kg of lamb meat, approximately 8,000 to 10,500 litres of water are required. [9]


Chicken: Of the traditional livestock mentioned, chicken is the most water efficient. Producing 1kg of chicken meat requires about 3,300 to 4,300 litres of water. This is due to the faster growth rate of chickens and their efficient feed-to-meat conversion ratio. [9]

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Quality Inclusions


ONE (with everything!) – Large & Small Bites:


Ingredients: BSFL Insect Protein, Oat Flour, Rice Flour, Citrus Fibre, Sauerkraut Extract.

Guaranteed Analysis: Protein. 31%, Fat. 18%, Fibre. 7%, Calcium. 1.2%


BSFL Insect Protein:

BSFL insect protein offers a rich source of essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source. It is easily digestible and sustainable, offering environmental benefits compared to traditional meat proteins.


Oat Flour:

Oats are a great source of soluble fibre, which can aid in digestive health. They also contain essential fatty acids and are a natural source of vitamins and minerals.


Rice Flour:

A digestible carbohydrate source, rice flour provides structure to the treat, and is also an easy source of energy. It's known for being gentle on sensitive stomachs, making it a common ingredient in many hypoallergenic dog foods.


Citrus Fibre:

Derived from citrus fruits, this ingredient aids in digestion due to its dietary fibre content. It has prebiotic properties, supporting a healthy gut microbiome.


Sauerkraut Extract:

A fermented food, sauerkraut is rich in probiotics, which can promote gut health and enhance the immune system. The extract provides these benefits in a concentrated form.



ONE (with everything!) – Shortbread


Ingredients: BSFL Insect Protein, Rice Flour, Oats, Sweet Potato, Peas, Beetroot, Coconut, Peanuts, Citrus Fibre, Sauerkraut Extract.

Guaranteed Analysis: Protein. 19%, Fat 13%, Fibre 5%, Calcium 0.5%


Sweet Potato:

An excellent source of dietary fibre, sweet potatoes also provide vitamins like beta-carotene (Vitamin A precursor), B vitamins, and minerals such as calcium. They're also antioxidant rich!



A source of plant-based protein and provide essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre. They can support muscle growth and overall metabolic health.



Rich in antioxidants, dietary fibre, and folate, beetroot can enhance immune system health.



This ingredient provides healthy fatty acids, specifically medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs can aid in skin and coat health, and they may also provide metabolic and digestive benefits.



Peanuts offer protein, healthy fats, and various vitamins and minerals. They’re a very palatable ingredient for dogs!



1) Firmansyah, M. and Abduh, M.Y. (2019) ‘Production of protein hydrolysate containing antioxidant activity from Hermetia illucens’, Heliyon, 5(6), p. e02005. Available at:


2) Bosch, G. et al. (2014) ‘Protein quality of insects as potential ingredients for dog and cat foods’, Journal of Nutritional Science, 3. Available at:


3) Penazzi L, Schiavone A, Russo N, Nery J, Valle E, Madrid J, Martinez S, Hernandez F, Pagani E, Ala U & Prola L (2021) “In vivo and in vitro Digestibility of an Extruded Complete Dog Food Containing Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Larvae Meal as Protein Source”, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, vol. 8, 653411


4) Mouithys-Mickalad (2020). Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) Larvae Protein Derivatives: Potential to Promote Animal Health. Animals, 10(6), 941.


5) US EPA (2015) “Overview of Greenhouse Gases | US EPA, US EPA.” Available at:


6) Siva Raman, S. et al. (2022) ‘Opportunities, challenges and solutions for black soldier fly larvae-based animal feed production’, Journal of Cleaner Production, 373, p. 133802. Available at:


7) Huis A, Itterbeeck J, Klunder H, Mertens E, Halloran A, Muir G, & Vantomme P (2013)

“Edible insects Future prospects for food and feed security Edible insects Future prospects for food and feed security.” FAO, Rome. Available at:


8) Smetana, S. et al. (2016) ‘Sustainability of insect use for feed and food: Life Cycle Assessment perspective’, Journal of Cleaner Production, 137, pp. 741–751. Available at:


9) Mekonnen, M.M., Neale, C.M.U., Ray, C., Erickson, G.E. & Hoekstra, A.Y. (2019) “Water productivity in meat and milk production in the US from 1960 to 2016.” Environment International, 132: 105084



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